L. F. Torres-Torres, J. Arias-García, H. F. García, A. F. López-Lopera and J. F. Vargas-Bonilla, Gaussian process-driven hidden Markov models for early diagnosis of infant gait anomalies [HAL]
L. Grammont, F. Bachoc, and A. F. López-Lopera, Error bounds for a kernel-based constrained optimal smoothing approximation [HAL]
M. Deronzier, F. Bachoc, A. F. López-Lopera and O. Roustant, Block-additive Gaussian processes under monotonicity constraints [arXiv]
A. Arous, A. F. Lopez-Lopera, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh and Ihsen Alouani, May the noise be with you: Adversarial training without adversarial examples [arXiv]
E. A. Valencia, C. K. Valencia, A. F. López-Lopera and M. A. Alvarez, Distance measures for hidden Markov models based on Hilbert space embeddings for time series classification
Publications in International Journals
L. Reding, A. F. López-Lopera and F. Bachoc, Covariance parameter estimation of Gaussian processes with approximated functional inputs, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 205:105380, 2025 [doi][arXiv][github]
H. Valayer, N. Bartoli, M. Castaño-Aguirre, R. Lafage, T. Lefebvre, A. F. López-Lopera, and S. Mouton, A Python toolbox for data-driven aerodynamic modeling using sparse Gaussian processes, Aerospace 11(4): 260, 2024 [doi][github]
F. Bachoc, A. F. López-Lopera and O. Roustant, Sequential construction and dimension reduction of Gaussian processes under inequality constraints, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 4(2):772-800, 2022 [doi][arXiv][github][talk]
A. F. López-Lopera, D. Idier, J. Rohmer and F. Bachoc, Multioutput Gaussian processes with functional data: A study on coastal flood hazard assessment, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 218: 108139, 2022 [doi][arXiv][github]
D. Idier, A. F. López-Lopera et al., A user-oriented local coastal flooding forecast and early warning system using metamodeling techniques, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9(11): 1191, 2021 [doi]
A. F. López-Lopera, N. Durrande and M. A. Alvarez, Physically-inspired Gaussian process models for post-transcriptional regulation in Drosophila, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18(2):656-666, 2021 [doi][arXiv][github]
F. Bachoc, A. Lagnoux and A. F. López-Lopera, Maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian processes under inequality constraints, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13(2): 2921–2969, 2019 [doi][arXiv]
A. F. López-Lopera, N. Durrande, F. Bachoc and O. Roustant, Finite-dimensional Gaussian approximation with linear inequality constraints, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6(3):1224–1255, 2018 [doi][arXiv][cran][github]
A. F. López-Lopera and M. A. Alvarez, Switched latent force models for reverse-engineering transcriptional regulation in gene expression data, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 16(1):322–335, 2017 [doi][arXiv][github]
Proceedings in International Conferences
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc and O. Roustant, High-dimensional additive Gaussian processes under monotonicity constraints, NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, USA [url][arXiv]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Massa, I. Turpin and N. Leconte, Modeling complex mechanical computer codes with functional input via Gaussian processes, in CILAMCE 2022, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. [url][HAL]
R. Conde-Arenzana, A. F. López-Lopera, S. Mouton, N. Bartoli and T. Lefebvre, Multi-fidelity Gaussian process model for CFD and wind tunnel data fusion, Aerobest 2021, Lisbon, Portugal (online) [url][HAL]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc, N. Durrande, J. Rohmer, D. Idier and O. Roustant, Approximating Gaussian process emulators with linear inequality constraints and noisy observations via MC and MCMC, MCQMC 2019, Rennes, France [doi][arXiv]
A. F. López-Lopera, S. John and N. Durrande, Gaussian process modulated Cox processes under linear inequality constraints, AISTATS 2019, Okinawa, Japan [url][arXiv]
A. F. López-Lopera, M. A. Álvarez and A. A. Orozco, Sparse linear models applied to power quality disturbance classification, CIARP 2016, Lima, Peru [doi][arXiv]
H. D. Cardona, A. F. López-Lopera, A. A. Orozco, M. A. Alvarez, J. A. Tamames and N. Malpica, Gaussian processes for slice-based super-resolution MR images, ISVC 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA [doi]
A. F. López-Lopera, M. A. Alvarez and A. A. Orozco, Improving diffusion tensor estimation using adaptive and optimized filtering based on local similarity, IbPRIA 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain [doi]
A. F. López-Lopera, H. D. Vargas, G. Daza-Santacoloma, M. A. Alvarez and A. A. Orozco, Comparison of preprocessing methods for diffusion tensor estimation in brain imaging, STSIVA 2014, Armenia, Colombia [doi]
Proceedings in French Conferences
D. Idier, A. Aurouet, F. Bachoc, A. Baills, J. Betancourt, F. Gamboa, T. Klein, S. Le Roy, A. F. López-Lopera, J. Louisor, R. Pedreros, J. Rohmer, and A. Thibault, Un système local de prévision et alerte des submersions côtières centré sur les besoins des utilisateurs et utilisant des techniques de métamodélisation, Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil, France. [doi][HAL]
Other Conferences and Workshops
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc and O. Roustant, High-dimensional additive Gaussian processes under monotonicity constraints, Seminar - Journées Scientifiques CIROQUO, Saclay, France [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc and O. Roustant, High-dimensional additive Gaussian processes under monotonicity constraints, Seminar - GAP project, Toulouse, France [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, N. Durrande and M. A. Alvarez, Physically-inspired Gaussian processes: Application in biology, SIAM-UQ 2022, Atlanta, Georgia, USA [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, D. Idier, J. Rohmer and F. Bachoc, Fast prediction of coastal flood hazard assessment: A multi-output Gaussian process metamodelling approach, RISCOPE ANR project: Final workshop 2022, Orléans, France [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre and S. Mouton, Data fusion with multifidelity Gaussian processes for aerodynamic experimental and numerical databases, SIAM-CSE 2021 (online) [slides]
F. Bachoc, A. F. López-Lopera, and O. Roustant, Gaussian processes under inequality constraints: Sequential construction and dimension reduction, Workshop IMT (France) & University of Bern (Swiss), 2020 [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, lineqGPR: An R package for Gaussian process regression modelling with linear inequality constraints, UseR! 2019, Toulouse, France [poster]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc, N. Durrande and O. Roustant, Efficiently approximating Gaussian process emulators with inequality constraints using MC/MCMC, MCQMC 2018, Rennes, France [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc, N. Durrande and O. Roustant, Finite-dimensional Gaussian approximation with linear inequality constraints, SIAM-UQ 2018, Garden Grove, California, USA [slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, F. Bachoc, N. Durrande and O. Roustant, Gaussian process regression models under linear inequality conditions, Mascot-Num 2018, Nantes, France [poster]
A. F. López-Lopera, Gaussian process modelling under inequality constraints, PhD in Applied Mathematics, Mines Saint-Etienne, 2019 [url][slides]
A. F. López-Lopera, Switched dynamical latent force models for transcriptional regulation, Master’s thesis, Electrical Engineering Program, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, 2015 [pdf]
A. F. López-Lopera, “Selección de la mejor base para la caracterización de perturbaciones en señales de calidad de potencia usando transformaciones tiempo/frecuencia” (in Spanish), Bachelor’s thesis, Electrical Engineering Program, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, 2013 [pdf]